On Christmas Day, we had 107 guests come to our cinema to watch “Listen before you sing”. It was free for the child who was under -12-year-old to encourage them to feel a musical vibe.

“Listen before you sing” was based on a true story from Taiwan. It was about a group of indigenous children who lived on the mountain, facing the situation that their school was planning to close down soon. Thus, to save the school, one of the teachers come up with the idea of winning an award from a singing competition. In 2015, the original group of children also performed the song “Kipahpah ima” in the St. Peter Cathedral in Vienna.


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During the pandemic period, it was a wonderful way to spend the weekend. After the movie, the movie director also came to share his thoughts. The movie was not only healing our hearts but also got to know more about the indigenous culture. 

line album 20211225 211230 4 min line album 20211225 211230 22 min



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