"They will turn our land into a desert, forever." "That is why we take care of our land. It gives us everything." ー Máxima


g1 maxima 12At the top of the Andes, at a watershed.

This is the water supply for hundreds of thousands of people in the area. “Water is life,” Maxima reminded me, and then went on to explain how the mining project would not only dry up the lake but use it for toxic waste once the gold was extracted."


Director Claudia Sparrow’s goal in making this film was to give Máxima Acuña’s brave voice a larger platform and a chance to tell her side of the story.







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Maxima is a subsistence farmer, which means she grows food crops to meet her and her family’s needs. Unfortunately, the destruction of Maxima’s crops continues at the hands of the Yanacocha Mine. Maxima sings to her land, thanking it for all that it provides for her. She fights every day to keep what is rightfully hers.







Layana hosts a screening to help her story reach more people.

Since Layana held the “Taiwan Human Right Film Festival” and played “Stand with Maxima” in 2020, we and the audience realized how powerful Maxima’s inner is, and how greedy a company can like. "This film is much more than the quest of one woman to assert her property rights against a gigantic multinational corporation that uses a campaign of violence and intimidation. It is about basic human dignity, resilience, resistance, and environmentalism." The director said.

After the festival, Layana reached out to the director for asking for the mater film in order to add Chinese subtitles and have the right to play the movie publicly. Till now, Layana has been playing over 8 times of “Máxima” and fundraising for $3,200 USD so far.


Stand With Maxima

certificate of cleaner production assessment layana
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Join the movement to StandWithMaxima


We can help to tell Newmont to cancel the mine by signing the petition to demand they respect Maxima’s rights. There are so many ways you can get involved and help support Maxima’s fight. Sign the petition to demand Newmont drop its lawsuits and stop all harassment of Maxima and her family, support Maxima’s GoFundMe Campaign, or host a screening to help her story reach more people.


→Go here for more info: https://www.standwithmaxima.com/get-involved

 You can watch MAXIMA now on  Apple TVAmazon or Vudu .





Thank you letter from MAXIMA

I, MAXIMA ACUÑA ATALAYA, send my most sincere thanks to the TAIWAN company for the provided support, which will help me a lot and will be very useful for my judicial processes, which are not over yet. I thank you with all my heart, and I ask God to take good care of you and your whole family. I also thank you, CLAUDIA SPARROW, for spreading the documentary of all the information we have endured and continue to undergo due to the YONACOCHA company. Thank you, thank you very much.




The Donation Receipts

 donation receipt  donation receipt              donation-to-Maxima





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