At Layana, we are committed to driving the effective use of each team member's individual skills to enhance the quality of our products in the market. This is a shared aspiration among all our staff.

Concurrently, Layana has instituted systems such as 5S, Quality Control Circles (QCC), and Six Sigma (6σ) project improvements to nurture top-tier talent, fortify and elevate the professional competencies of our colleagues, thereby unleashing their latent potential and fostering a culture of healthy competition.


This will enable us to construct outstanding teams capable of addressing challenges and issues in various domains such as operational aspects, management, and culture, ultimately guiding our company towards comprehensive quality management and the creation of shared value through collaborative efforts in production, sales, human resources, research and development, and finance.

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Our Logo


The company logo of LAYANA features a star at its center, surrounded by five rings. The star represents the company's core values and capabilities, which allow us to take on comprehensive challenges. We strive to expand our business and services to all five continents of the world.





Layana's Commitment to Sustainable Business Goals

Layana strives to achieve its sustainable business goals by meeting revenue targets as scheduled and going public within five years. With a steadfast dedication to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles, Layana is determined to fulfill this commitment through its own brand, Layana Cutlery.



Learn more about our tableware products, the Layana cutlery brand and our ESG certification history in the news section.




Any questions about our services? Contact us!

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