The Definition of ISO 50001 Energy Management System

ISO 50001 is Energy Management System (EnMS in abbreviation). The goal of ISO 50001 EnMS is to reduce the cost of enterprises and improve environmental issues by decreasing energy consumption. In order to solve the impact that comes from the substantial energy consumption and climate change the global, by establishing Energy Management System, enterprises think outside the box of the energy cost on energy performance management to improve the use efficiency of enterprises and to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas for saving the cost of energy consumption of enterprises. Besides, for reducing the various impact on the environment caused by the operation of an enterprise.


The Importance of ISO 50001 Energy Management System

ISO was first released in June 2011. Now the latest version is ISO 50001:2008 EnMS which was released on Dec. 21, 2018.

According to the data in 2016, the top five countries that acquire the most ISO 50001 certificates are Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, China, and France. Four of these five countries are located in Europe, which means ISO 50001 EnMS in European countries has been a practical action, not a symbolic indicator. As of the end of 2017, 22,870 companies around the world have passed the verification of this standard. Europe gets the highest ratio for passing the verification, and the following is in Asia. More and more companies include ISO 50001 EnMS in their sustainable development strategies, which strengthens the requests to suppliers for adapting to the changes in the energy supply environment. If the rise of awareness is happening, the ISO 50001 EnMS can be developed extensively.


top10countries for iso50001iso50001certificates


ISO 50001:2018 EnMS's Main Principles

  • ISO 50001 EnMS is already compatible with the existing standard management system of an enterprise. For instance, the company has an ISO 9001 quality management system and an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System which can smooth the process of ISO 50001 implementation.

  • The company uses the PDCA circle to improve its work routine continuously. The principles of the PDCA circle are - 

  1. Plan: Proceeding the physical examination of the departments and machines in the entire factory. To analyze the distribution situation of energy consumption of the production facility, and to formulate the action plan for energy-saving and carbon reduction as per the needs of each unit.
  2. Do: Based on the plans for energy-saving and carbon reduction, the actions for each department are to carry out the staff training, and replace old facilities with new ones, etc.
  3. Check: The duty of a supervisor is to confirm the actual improved situation with each department head and staff together.
  4. Action: Modify the action plan for energy-saving and carbon reduction anytime to make sure the plans of each department achieve the best outcome. If a problem needs to be addressed, it has to be proposed immediately and then to be executed after the review.
  • ISO 50001 is used to establish, supervise, document, and provide energy reports for predicting greenhouse gas emissions and finding out solutions.

    Assist enterprises to optimize energy management and reinforce good management behavior.

  • Evaluate and determine the use of new energy that includes the potential energy, the use of renewable energy, the development of alternative energy, etc.

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The Example of Acquiring ISO 50001 Energy Management System

Layana completed the audit of ISO 50001:2018 EnMS in 2019. By making itself an example, Layana implements energy management in the operation of the entire factory and shares it with supplies and clients. Layana’s indicator for energy management is as the following:

energy saving slide translation en and sp eng


Economic growth plays a vital element in a country; however, while pursuing economic development, humans may unconsciously sacrifice the natural environment and ecology. Although Mother Earth does not protest in time, it accumulates over a period of time damage, it eventually leads to counterattacks. For example, the hole in the ozone layer, global warming, and the melting of icebergs at the South Pole and the North Pole.


ISO 50001 EnMS certification helps companies to take sustainability into consideration when pursuing margin profits and sales revenues. In the 21st century, we have to utilize the existing resource effectively which can be passed down the benefits to the next generations.



Article reference source: 22,870 data in 2017/ Top 10 Countries for ISO certificates/ Production & Ecology & Life chart reference to Xie Xhencheng at SGS Taiwan Limited.


ISO 50001-2018 introduction for a new version of energy management system standard.pdf



Environmental and Energy Policies

 Since its establishment in 1982, Layana has been dedicated to nurturing high-quality partnerships with suppliers and clients. We strive to provide our employees with a conducive environment for their well-being and ongoing personal growth. In pursuit of sustainable business practices and the establishment of rigorous standards for environmental impact management, we have implemented the ISO 50001 Energy Management System. We hold in high regard the responsible utilization of all forms of energy, actively champion energy-saving initiatives. All colleagues collectively drive the ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gases, taking tangible steps towards energy conservation and fulfilling our obligations as responsible global citizens, thereby laying the foundation for continuous improvement in the future. We hereby commit to and persistently advocate for the following initiatives:


Environmental Policy

  1. Regulatory Compliance: We ensure that all our production activities strictly adhere to regulatory requirements. Our commitment lies in driving green supply chains and offering environmentally friendly products. Through continuous improvement of our work environment, we aim to achieve the goal of zero occupational accidents.
  2. Environmental Protection: We prioritize product designs with low toxicity and easy disassembly, conduct thorough carbon footprint assessments, practice resource conservation, industrial waste reduction, pollution prevention, and enhance control over hazardous substances. Our objective is to minimize our environmental impact.
  3. Resource Optimization: We place great emphasis on personnel education and training, fostering a culture of continuous improvement within our operations. By doing so, we strive for sustainable development and contribute to a greener future.


Energy Policy

  1. Regulatory Compliance: We provide energy improvement resources and diligently implement energy laws and regulations to ensure compliance at all times.
  2. Enhancing Energy Efficiency: We actively seek equipment procurement with energy-saving certifications and integrate energy-saving designs and processes into our operations. Our aim is to achieve significant energy savings and meet our targets.
  3. Inclusive Engagement: We believe in creating an energy-conscious organization where everyone plays a part. Through the establishment of effective energy strategies and the active involvement of all employees, we drive sustainable business practices.
  4. Continuous Improvement: We consistently strive for betterment by implementing material conservation designs, reducing energy consumption, and optimizing energy usage efficiency.






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