Layana will be running the production necessary to support Critical Manufacturing. It is imperative we also stay operational and meet delivery schedules to support the products necessary to sustain the supply chain. 


Layana is proud to be a provider of essential manufacturing services. Due to the growing coronavirus, starting on May 15, all restaurants cooperate with COVID-19 measures to stop internal use. Even with this shutdown of most businesses operating in Taiwan, Layana will remain open to supply our metal stampings and insert molding to our customers. 


As this COVID-19 crisis has spread around the world, Layana has worked to protect our workforce, our community, and our entire supply chain. When new recommendations are published by the CDC and other health authorities, we work to implement those in our operations. Layana is doing our part to flatten the curve through increased cleaning, encouraging hygiene and distancing, ceasing visits and meetings, and other efforts. 

We know everyone is working to stop this pandemic. Thank you for your efforts and your patience as we work together. Please contact Layana if you have any questions. 


Please contact us with any questions or specific needs. 


Thank you for your business and continued support. 





Any questions about our services? Contact us!

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